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Insights From Our Blog

Man with thumbs up signal.

Happiness is a well-organized, outsourced HRIS team.

Happiness is a well-organized, outsourced HRIS team. 800 600 peepadmin

Will your employees be happier and more productive with a seamless, outsourced Human Resource Information Systems? Yes. Ask any productivity expert, and they will tell you that employees who feel like they are being heard are the happiest. It’s A Great Way To Save Money: So what’s happiness worth to you? Probably a lot. Happy…

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A business woman is conducting a video conference call.

How do you update your hris and everything else?

How do you update your hris and everything else? 800 600 peepadmin

Don’t Be Afraid Of Addressing All Those HR Issues. Change is in the air. It’s the new order of the day. What you’ve been comfortable with for years in the past is no longer what will work. Coming up with ideas about changing your business is fairly easy. The tough part is implementing those changes…

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Professional business woman on phone and computer.

How To Start Pivoting During Covid

How To Start Pivoting During Covid 1024 683 peepadmin

COVID and HR. It’s Time To Change Your Perspective. The world has changed. Your company is changing. Your daily routine is familiar, but different. Look at the way you communicate now. You no longer have a meeting. You Zoom. So it only makes sense that your approach to HR will need a major revamp too.…

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